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A Hybrid Model in Comparing the Performance of Wired and Wireless Technologies by Using the Markov Algorithm and Queuing Petri Nets

by V.B.Kirubanand, Dr.S.Palaniammal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: V.B.Kirubanand, Dr.S.Palaniammal

V.B.Kirubanand, Dr.S.Palaniammal . A Hybrid Model in Comparing the Performance of Wired and Wireless Technologies by Using the Markov Algorithm and Queuing Petri Nets. International Journal of Computer Applications. 7, 4 ( September 2010), 1-4. DOI=10.5120/1155-1360

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The main theme of this paper is to find the performance of using the wired and the wireless devices such as Hub, Switch, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Wimax. Queueing Petri net model and Markov algorithm with the security of Huffman algorithm were used in performance analysis. This paper mainly focuses on comparison of the different Wired and Wireless technologies in terms of inter-arrival time and Inter-service time by using Markov algorithm (M/M(a,b)/1). The inter –arrival and Inter-service time were obtained using the Poisson distribution. By comparing the service rates of the Wired and Wireless technologies it has been found that the service rate offered by the Wireless technologies were very efficient for implementation and the values obtained from the Wimax technology is very much efficient that other wireless technologies. The performance of all the Wireless technologies can be obtained by using the value of the Bluetooth technology as the other wireless devices are not in prevalence. The performance is calculated in terms of Expected Waiting time and Expected Busy period. Queueing Petri Nets were used to facilitate the integration of both hardware and software aspects of the system behavior in the Hybrid model. The purpose of Huffman algorithm in Steganography is to send the hidden information from one system to another system through Wired or Wireless devices. Queueing Petri Net are very powerful as a performance analysis and prediction tool. Thus Queueing Petri Net and Markov algorithm can be used in the fore coming networking technologies to obtain better performanceresults.

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  7. performance modeling of distributed e-business application using queueing petri nets.By-Kounev,S.;Buchmann,A.,2003
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Queuing Petri-nets Markov algorithm Bulk service Distribution value Inter-Arrival time Inter-Service time Steganography