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An Implementation of Anomaly Detection Mechanism For Centralized and Distributed Firewalls

by Ms. Rupali Chaure
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Ms. Rupali Chaure

Ms. Rupali Chaure . An Implementation of Anomaly Detection Mechanism For Centralized and Distributed Firewalls. International Journal of Computer Applications. 7, 4 ( September 2010), 5-8. DOI=10.5120/1154-1357

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Due to the rapid growth in the field of Internet, the related security mechanisms are the key area of research. Firewalls serve the solution for secured Internet experience. Latest firewalls are fully-equipped for providing hi-end security to the network. However, due to the continuous growth of security threats, the firewall mechanisms and policies are compulsorily needed to get updated. The manual processing for detecting anomalies in firewall is complex and often error-prone. Any minor change in the rule set of firewall leads to the requirement of rigorous analysis for maintaining the consistency and efficiency of firewall mechanism. Many Data structures have been proposed for detection and removal of anomalies so as to reduce the burden of Network Administrator. In this paper I have shown the results of implementation of a mechanism for the anomalies detection in the centralized and distributed firewall systems. This paper also discusses the design implementation of the irrelevance anomaly for the intra firewalls. It is developed in VB.Net and SQL Server. The algorithm used in this paper purifies the rule sets of firewall in such a way that makes the rule set optimal and free from all known anomalies.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Anomaly Detection Distributed Firewalls firewall mechanisms