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Article:Time Efficient Indexing Technique for Querying Location Dependent Data in Wireless Broadcast

by Seema Verma, Savita Kumari, Rakhee, Mahmoud A. Artemi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Seema Verma, Savita Kumari, Rakhee, Mahmoud A. Artemi

Seema Verma, Savita Kumari, Rakhee, Mahmoud A. Artemi . Article:Time Efficient Indexing Technique for Querying Location Dependent Data in Wireless Broadcast. International Journal of Computer Applications. 7, 10 ( October 2010), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/1288-1747

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%A Savita Kumari
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%A Mahmoud A. Artemi
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Wireless communication and mobile computing have gained a lot concentration from the computer and communication research society. Wireless dissemination has emerged as an outstanding and scalable method to broadcast information to huge number of clients equipped with hand held devices. In practice, wireless broadcast faces challenge from issues like timely delivery of data, error free quality of service, low battery capacity and limited bandwidth. Different applications need to curb out different challenges. To support location based services in wireless data broadcast system a distributed spatial index (DSI) is popular. DSI indexing technique is in recent times has been becoming popular as reduce access time and energy consumption in location based queries because it has a linear yet fully distributed structure that facilitates multiple search path to be naturally mixed together by sharing links. Here, in this paper we address an issue where error free timely delivery of information is major concern. Such state of affairs generally appears in an in-house environment where recharging of battery is not a serious concern. We have proposed a Data Replicated Distributed Spatial Index (DR-DSI) which is extension of Distributed Spatial Index to get advantages of data replication to reduce access latency.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Mobile Computing Wireless broadcast Distributed spatial index Access latency Data replication.