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Article:Performance Evaluation of LR-WPAN for different Path-Loss Models

by Neeraj Choudhary, Ajay K Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Neeraj Choudhary, Ajay K Sharma

Neeraj Choudhary, Ajay K Sharma . Article:Performance Evaluation of LR-WPAN for different Path-Loss Models. International Journal of Computer Applications. 7, 10 ( October 2010), 22-28. DOI=10.5120/1284-1698

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title = { Article:Performance Evaluation of LR-WPAN for different Path-Loss Models },
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LR-WPAN is Low-Rate wireless personal area network standard IEEE 802.15.4. This paper is to establish path loss models for predicting wireless data transmission performance for IEEE 802.15.4 protocol standard. We use two different path-loss models to check the performance of network. Applying the channel models in our OMNeT++ simulation Mobility Framework environment for IEEE 802.15.4 systems, we find that the simulated performance of these models gives different results for both models. We show that these solutions increase the network performance and decreases energy consumption significantly.

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  4. Tapan K. Sarkar et. al. “A Survey of Various Propagation Models for Mobile Communication”, June-2003
  5. Masood Khosroshahy, Thierry Turletti, Katia Obraczka, “Snapshot of MAC, PHY and Propagation Models for IEEE 802.11 in Open-Source Network Simulators” Sept-2007.
  6. Kuntz et. al. “Introducing Probabilistic Radio Propagation Models in OMNeT++ Mobility Framework and Cross Validation Check with NS-2”, March-2008.
  7. T. S. Rappaport. Wireless Communications: Principles & Practise. Prentice Hall Communications Engineering and Emerging Technologies Series. Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, 1996.
  8. Geoff V. Merett, “Energy- and Information-Managed Wireless Sensor Networks: Modelling and Simulation” Oct-2008.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


IEEE 802.15.4 LR-WPAN Mobility Framework OMNeT++