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Comparative Analysis of Automatic Speaker Recognition using Kekreís Fast Codebook Generation Algorithm in Time and Transform Domain

by DR. H. B. Kekre, Ms. Vaishali Kulkarni
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: DR. H. B. Kekre, Ms. Vaishali Kulkarni

DR. H. B. Kekre, Ms. Vaishali Kulkarni . Comparative Analysis of Automatic Speaker Recognition using Kekreís Fast Codebook Generation Algorithm in Time and Transform Domain. International Journal of Computer Applications. 7, 1 ( September 2010), 37-41. DOI=10.5120/1128-1479

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In this paper, an approach based on Kekre’s fast code book Generation (KFCG) Algorithm in the transform domain has been proposed. KFCG is used for feature extraction in both the training and testing phases. Three methods for codebook generation have been used. In the 1st method, codebooks are generated from the speech samples by using Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). In the 2nd method, the codebooks are generated using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). In the 3rd method, the codebooks are generated using the Discrete Sine Transform (DST). For speaker identification, the codebook of the test sample is similarly generated and compared with the codebooks of the reference samples stored in the database. The results obtained for the above methods in the transform domain are compared with the results obtained in the time domain analysis. The results show that KFCG gives better results in transform domain than in time domain. Also the results improve as the vector dimension while generating the codebook is increased.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Vector Quantization (VQ) Code Vectors Code Book Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Discrete Sine Transform (DST) Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)