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Survey and Design Approach of Protocol Steganography in IPv6

by Sandip Bobade, R. M. Goudar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 69 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Sandip Bobade, R. M. Goudar

Sandip Bobade, R. M. Goudar . Survey and Design Approach of Protocol Steganography in IPv6. International Journal of Computer Applications. 69, 7 ( May 2013), 31-34. DOI=10.5120/11856-7623

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Steganography is the process of hiding message in another cover medium such that it is difficult to detect. Cover medium is used as a carrier. this carrier can be Image,video, text or IP packet. Covert Channel is implemented in different header Fields of IPv4 header to send secrete message. A covert channel is the medium that is used to transmit the information such as message, image or file. The fields flow label, traffic class and IPV6 source address of IPV6 header are selected as covert channel in this project. The more se- curity in IPV6 header steganography can be achieved by apply- ing cryptography ie Encryption. Public key algorithm i. e. RSA is selected for cryptography. Message is at first encrypted using RSA algorithm. The ciphertext is embedded in selected fields. The- ses covert channels could be used for a Exploiting the Security rules so hidden Communication can be possible. this can be used for purpose such as pinching encryption key,login information or other secrets from in a way that should not easily detectable, but it could also be used for a good reason such as secret message can be passed under the watchful eyes of passive attacker. The demonstration of covert channel increases information security.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


IPv6 Covert Channel Steganography