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Reseach Article

An inquisition based Detection and Mitigating Techniques of AODV Protocol in Existence of Packet Drop Attacks

by Vrutik Shah, Nilesh Modi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 69 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Vrutik Shah, Nilesh Modi

Vrutik Shah, Nilesh Modi . An inquisition based Detection and Mitigating Techniques of AODV Protocol in Existence of Packet Drop Attacks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 69, 7 ( May 2013), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/11851-7607

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A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes that can has no fixed or predetermined topology, with mobile nodes and dynamic membership changes. A self-organizing network is a network that can automatically extend, change, configure and optimize its topology, coverage, capacity, cell size, and channel allocation, based on changes in location, traffic pattern, interference, and the situation or environment. MANETs due to complete autonomy of the member nodes and lack of any centralized infrastructure are particularly vulnerable to different types of attacks and security threats. Packet drop attack is one of them. In this paper mechanism has been proposed to detect and defend against packet drop attacks. Simulation has been done using ns 2. 34 to evaluate the conventional AODV and proposed algorithm when packet drop attack is injected in network. The Result indicates that our proposed solution gives significant better performance then AODV in concern of Packet delivery ratio & Throughput with tolerable increase in routing overhead, End to End delay.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Black hole attack AODV Routing Security MANETs Packet drop attacks