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LBVFT: A Load Balancing Technique for Virtualization and Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing

by Pranesh Das, Pabitra Mohan Khilar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 69 - Number 28
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Pranesh Das, Pabitra Mohan Khilar

Pranesh Das, Pabitra Mohan Khilar . LBVFT: A Load Balancing Technique for Virtualization and Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 69, 28 ( May 2013), 14-18. DOI=10.5120/12247-8412

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Load balancing in cloud computing is a grand challenge problem now a days. The main load balancing issues in cloud computing is load calculation and load distribution. To solve these issues, many load balancing techniques have been designed to distribute tasks properly. In this paper, we have proposed a Load Balancing Technique for Virtualization and Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing (LBVFT) to assign the tasks to the virtual nodes. A Cloud Manager (CM) module and a Decision Maker (DM) are used in the proposed scheme to manage the virtualization, load balancing and to handle the faults. LBVFT is mainly designed to assign tasks to the virtual nodes depending on the success rates (SR) and the previous load history. In the load assigning technique assignment is done by the load balancer (LB) of cloud manager (CM) module in the basis of higher success rate and lower load of the available nodes.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


LBVFT VFT Cloud Manager Decision Maker Fault handler Success Rate Load