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Reseach Article

On L- fuzzy Generalized Topology

by Heba I. Mustafa
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 69 - Number 28
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Heba I. Mustafa

Heba I. Mustafa . On L- fuzzy Generalized Topology. International Journal of Computer Applications. 69, 28 ( May 2013), 4-7. DOI=10.5120/12245-8513

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title = { On L- fuzzy Generalized Topology },
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In this paper, we introduce the concepts of L-fuzzy generalized neighborhood system(f-gns for short) and L-fuzzy generalized topology (fgt, for short)(where L is a fuzzy lattice) which are generalizations of generalized topology and neighborhood systems defined by Csaszar[5]. We also introduce and investigate with the help of these new concepts the concepts of L-( 1; 2) continuity and L-fuzzy generalized continuity on f-gns. The relations between these concepts are investigated and several examples are presented. ifx

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Fuzzy lattice L-fuzzy generalized topology L-fuzzy generalized neighborhood systems L-fuzzy generalized continuity