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A Data Mining Approach for Developing Quality Prediction Model in Multi-Stage Manufacturing

by Fahmi Arif, Nanna Suryana, Burairah Hussin
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 69 - Number 22
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Fahmi Arif, Nanna Suryana, Burairah Hussin

Fahmi Arif, Nanna Suryana, Burairah Hussin . A Data Mining Approach for Developing Quality Prediction Model in Multi-Stage Manufacturing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 69, 22 ( May 2013), 35-40. DOI=10.5120/12106-8375

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Quality prediction model has been developed in various industries to realize the faultless manufacturing. However, most of quality prediction model is developed in single-stage manufacturing. Previous studies show that single-stage quality system cannot solve quality problem in multi-stage manufacturing effectively. This study is intended to propose combination of multiple PCA+ID3 algorithm to develop quality prediction model in MMS. This technique is applied to a semiconductor manufacturing dataset using the cascade prediction approach. The result shows that the combination of multiple PCA+ID3 is manage to produce the more accurate prediction model in term of classifying both positive and negative classes.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Principal Component Analysis ID3 Quality Prediction Data Mining Multi-stage Manufacturing