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Embedded Dam Gate Control System using ‘C’ and Visual Basic

by Makesh Iyer, Shrikant Pai, Sneha Badri, Shubhangi Kharche
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 69 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Makesh Iyer, Shrikant Pai, Sneha Badri, Shubhangi Kharche

Makesh Iyer, Shrikant Pai, Sneha Badri, Shubhangi Kharche . Embedded Dam Gate Control System using ‘C’ and Visual Basic. International Journal of Computer Applications. 69, 2 ( May 2013), 32-37. DOI=10.5120/11816-7491

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title = { Embedded Dam Gate Control System using ‘C’ and Visual Basic },
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%A Makesh Iyer
%A Shrikant Pai
%A Sneha Badri
%A Shubhangi Kharche
%T Embedded Dam Gate Control System using ‘C’ and Visual Basic
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Now-a-days water scarcity has become a serious problem in India and there are many factors responsible for this like improper supply of water from the dam, improper water saving systems, etc. but one major factor is the improper opening and closing of the dam gate according to the level of water in the dam. Also till date the control mechanism of the dam gates are done manually and using PLC. But there are lots of errors in manual method. Also the PLC based system is huge and hence suitable for major dams due to its cost. For medium and small dams like irrigation dams does not require such huge PLC systems. So to reduce these problems a mechatronic control system is proposed in this paper. This project is a AT89S51 microcontroller based dam gate control system which helps in keeping an eye on the frequent usage of water resources from dam for irrigation purposes and efficient operation of dam gate according to the level of water and also helps in indicating about flood to people living in the surrounding. This proposed mechanism of dam gate control reduces the water wastage and efficient usage of available water is ensured. Also there are heavy load shedding problems in the villages in almost all states of India. To overcome these problems the proposed dam gate control system can be combined with the operation of the geothermal and nuclear power plants for generation of electricity .

  1. www. keil. com/dd/docs/datashts/atmel/at89s51_ds. ,pp 4-5, 12- 13. This reference is the datasheet of AT89S51 microcontroller. This datasheet helped us in interfacing the peripheral devices with the microcontroller using the pin configuration and their functions.
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  9. Puig, V. , Ocampo-Martinez, C. ; Romera, J. ; Quevedo, J. ; Rodriguez, P. ;de Campos, S. ; Negenborn, R. , 'Model predictive control of combined irrigation and water supply systems: Application to the Guadiana river' , '9th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), 2012' , Conference Publications , PP 85 - 90 , April 2012.
  10. Lihua Feng, Yan Wang, 'Environmental Effect of Tidal Gate and Measures of Disaster Reduction - A Case Study of the Tidal Gate on Yaojiang River', '5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, (iCBBE) 2011' , Conference Publications , PP 1-4, May 2011.
  11. Mazidi and Mazidi, 'Microcontrollers', Prentice Hall Publications, Pg 284-290,300-310,428-430,441-450.
  12. http://www1. eere. energy. gov/geothermal/flash/geo_animation. swf This reference gave us the information of the actual working of a Geothermal Power Plant which is used for generation of electricity.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


water supply dam gate level monitoring gate mechanism microcontroller DC motor SIMO(simple input multiple output) visual basic 6. 0