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Reseach Article

WEBDEV-A Six Sigma DMAIC based Web Portal Design Framework

by Kalaimagal Sivamuni, Jagan Amgoth
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 69 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Kalaimagal Sivamuni, Jagan Amgoth

Kalaimagal Sivamuni, Jagan Amgoth . WEBDEV-A Six Sigma DMAIC based Web Portal Design Framework. International Journal of Computer Applications. 69, 19 ( May 2013), 16-23. DOI=10.5120/12078-8102

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As the internet grows day by day in terms of online users, different kinds of web portals like AOL, MSN and Yahoo are also increasingly being used. Customer Satisfaction is important for the success of web portals. Some of the important factors that determine customer satisfaction of web portals are usability, efficiency and excellent content. Although there are many research papers that discuss different techniques for evaluating the quality of web portals, there is a huge gap in research concerning how to build quality web portals from scratch. Six Sigma is a methodology that has stormed the manufacturing world and is renowned for improving the quality of products and processes and also for designing high quality products and processes. In recent times the IT industry is also successfully trying to adapt Six Sigma methods to create defect free software. This paper proposes a design framework called WEBDEV using the SIX SIGMA DMAIC methodology that can be used to design high quality web portals from scratch.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Six Sigma DMAIC Web Portal Design Web Service Quality