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A Database Watermarking Service with a Trusted Authority Architecture for Cloud Environment

by Nour El-zawawi, Mohamed Hamdy, Raina El-gohary, Mohamed F.tolba
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 69 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Nour El-zawawi, Mohamed Hamdy, Raina El-gohary, Mohamed F.tolba

Nour El-zawawi, Mohamed Hamdy, Raina El-gohary, Mohamed F.tolba . A Database Watermarking Service with a Trusted Authority Architecture for Cloud Environment. International Journal of Computer Applications. 69, 13 ( May 2013), 1-9. DOI=10.5120/11899-7964

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Providing cloud services gets an increasing interest of both scientific and industrial applications today. Storage services are the fundamental component of the Cloud computing paradigm. Exploiting such storage services enables users to outsource their data into the cloud. Not only is the reduction of storage and maintenance costs achieved but gets rid of the required infrastructure burden as well. How to prevent data abuses it by the cloud remains a hot point of the research. As there is a lack of trust between the service providers and clients, a set of challenges of securing the outsourced data against being abused is popped up. In this article, an enhanced secure data scheme for Cloud environments, EnhancedWatermarking Technique for Rational Database with non repudiation (EWRDN), is proposed. It is based on a set of enhancements for the WRDN approach. It improves space complexity by 56% of original WRDN system with the same time complexity. EWRDN Service works as a trusted third party between clients and service providers. It guarantees data integrity, privacy, and non repudiation with the ability to recover data to its origin. Moreover, it gives data owner more controlling capabilities for their data, by tracing users' activities. Besides, it adds a user signature over data being processed. A proposed architecture for EWRDN service is illustrated to prove data integrity and save copyright with the ability to trace the data and recover it to its origin if unauthorized changes take place.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud computing middleware services establishing trust in Clouds privacy trustworthy computing security