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IRBBO for Gain Maximization of Fifteen-Element Yagi-Uda Antenna

by Gagan Sachdeva, Dilpal Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 68 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Gagan Sachdeva, Dilpal Singh

Gagan Sachdeva, Dilpal Singh . IRBBO for Gain Maximization of Fifteen-Element Yagi-Uda Antenna. International Journal of Computer Applications. 68, 9 ( April 2013), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/11604-6977

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Biogeography is the study of distribution of biological species, over space and time, among random habitats. Recently introduced Biogeography Based Optimization (BBO) is a technique, where solutions of the problem are termed as habitats. Feature, i. e. , Suitability Index Variable (SIV), sharing among various habitats is made to occur with migration operator where as exploration of new SIVs is done with mutation operator. Yagi-Uda antenna is a widely used antenna design due to various useful properties of high gain, low cost and ease of construction. Immigration Refusal BBO (IRBBO) is a BBO variant introduced with the objective of improved performance and faster convergence. Designing a Yagi-Uda antenna involves determination of element lengths and spacings between them to get desired radiation characteristics. The gain of Yagi-Uda antenna is difficult to optimize as there is no analytical formula to determine gain directly, it makes relationship between antenna parameters and its characteristics highly complex and non-linear. In this paper, fifteen-element Yagi-Uda antenna is optimized for maximum gain using IRBBO. The obtained results are compared with Standard BBO, Bi-Swarm optimization, Ellipsoid Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm (GA). IRBBO shows better results among other compared optimization techniques for Yagi-Uda antenna design problem

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Yagi-Uda Antenna Biogeography Based Optimization Antenna Gain Genetic Algorithm Bi-Swarm Optimization Ellipsoid Algorithm