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Reseach Article

Performance Analysis of Cloud under different Virtual Machine Capacity

by V. Suresh Kumar, M. Aramudhan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 68 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: V. Suresh Kumar, M. Aramudhan

V. Suresh Kumar, M. Aramudhan . Performance Analysis of Cloud under different Virtual Machine Capacity. International Journal of Computer Applications. 68, 8 ( April 2013), 1-4. DOI=10.5120/11596-6952

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title = { Performance Analysis of Cloud under different Virtual Machine Capacity },
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Cloud computing is an upcoming, novel, realistic paradigm to host and deliver internet services. Cloud computing helps to plan accurately for provisioning of hardware or software and also eradicates the need of high-priced computing hardware and maintenance. Using virtualization, clouds handle shared collection of physical resources in a huge user base having differing requirements. Hence, clouds are substitute for grids, clusters and supercomputers, but in challenging scientific computing workloads virtualization leads to performance penalties. This paper investigates cloud performance analysis under different Virtual Machine (VM) capacity. VM parameters like RAM and processors number are varied, and resource allocation, CloudSim debt and VM percentage used are also studied.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Computing Virtualization Virtual Machines Cloudsim Debt