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Data Mining in E-Commerce: A CRM Platform

by Lipsa Sadath
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 68 - Number 24
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Lipsa Sadath

Lipsa Sadath . Data Mining in E-Commerce: A CRM Platform. International Journal of Computer Applications. 68, 24 ( April 2013), 32-37. DOI=10.5120/11729-7383

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Data is considered as a basic form of information that needs collection, management, mining and interpretation to create knowledge. Modern e-commerce is also vigorously developing that makes resources and services on the internet richly colorful. At the same time there are lots of fraudulent situations happening with people coming closer to the e-commerce system. This is an era where e-commerce is considered to be a killer-domain for successful mining data as it gives the apt ingredients from situation to situation. One of oldest things that e-commerce can do is customer relationship management (CRM). Businesses targeting customers has a direct link with the economy of a country as the current e-commerce system is used by people from lay man to business tycoons. The paper aims at a study on e-commerce with data mining proposing architectural model integrating an improved CRM system for handling business predictions and make strategies to enhance best customer relationship management.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data Mining e-Commerce e-Business CRM Issues Architecture Business Strategies