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Generic Education based Optimized Search Engine using Web Services and Location Services

by Parminder Singh, Sandeep Kaur
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 68 - Number 22
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Parminder Singh, Sandeep Kaur

Parminder Singh, Sandeep Kaur . Generic Education based Optimized Search Engine using Web Services and Location Services. International Journal of Computer Applications. 68, 22 ( April 2013), 22-28. DOI=10.5120/11712-7299

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title = { Generic Education based Optimized Search Engine using Web Services and Location Services },
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Search engines available in the current scenario provides the content in number of fields whether it is related to science, technology, research or education but there is a scope of improvement which can lead to a search engine for a specific filed such as search engine specifically for Education purpose. A search engine hardly provides essential educational related content relevant to the student's search query. Due to the text and their relationship of the request made by student is not analyzed up to full extent in generic search engines. So here the need for an education level optimized search engine arises. The area of education based optimized search engine has a great scope and it is not taken into consideration by any educational institute. The current topic focused on education level search engine by using web services and location based services. Analyzed query both syntactically and semantically as in SIEU (Semantic Information Extraction in University Domain). In SIEU web services related to students material not mentioned in the paper what they exactly used and location based mapping was also not there, it only uses Google search API. Web services like query regarding future scope of research papers, query for department exam papers etc. Location based mapping is the additional feature covered in this paper. In future work will be done on location based mapping to implement it dynamically.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Semantic web University web services ontology WordNet API Parser Mapping system