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Reseach Article

Agglomerative Hierarchical Approach for Clustering Components of Similar Reusability

by Aman Jatain, Arpita Nagpal, Deepti Gaur
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 68 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Aman Jatain, Arpita Nagpal, Deepti Gaur

Aman Jatain, Arpita Nagpal, Deepti Gaur . Agglomerative Hierarchical Approach for Clustering Components of Similar Reusability. International Journal of Computer Applications. 68, 2 ( April 2013), 33-37. DOI=10.5120/11553-6832

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%A Aman Jatain
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%A Deepti Gaur
%T Agglomerative Hierarchical Approach for Clustering Components of Similar Reusability
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This paper presents a clustering approach for grouping components of similar reusability using an already worked out fuzzy data set [2]. Research has shown that, component based systems development concept benefits the object oriented software development. A Component based system achieves flexibility by clearly separating the stable parts of systems from the specification of their composition. Many software systems contain many similar or even identical components and these components are developed from scratch over and over again which require extra effort. So to minimize the extra effort in developing these components, it is more beneficial to reuse the existing components. To reuse components effectively in Component Based Software Development, it is required to quantify the reusability of components. However it is difficult to use clustering approach to predict reusability. This paper discusses a technique to cluster components of similar reusability together for the purpose of minimizing the efforts of the developer using agglomerative hierarchical clustering. Components attribute affecting the reusability are classified into rules using fuzzy system and are then taken as the inputs to the proposed clustering model.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Component Component based Software engineering Fuzzy Clustering Hierarchical Agglomerative and Reusability