International Journal of Computer Applications |
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA |
Volume 68 - Number 16 |
Year of Publication: 2013 |
Authors: Priyanka Dayal, Rajeev Kumar Patial |
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Priyanka Dayal, Rajeev Kumar Patial . FPGA Implementation of Reed-Solomon Encoder and Decoder for Wireless Network 802.16. International Journal of Computer Applications. 68, 16 ( April 2013), 42-45. DOI=10.5120/11667-7263
A new class of cyclic codes that is Reed-Solomon codes are discussed for IEEE 802. 16 wireless networks. Reed-Solomon codes are used for the error detection and correction in communication systems. This is important in information theory and coding to correct burst errors. Here Reed-Solomon code for wireless network 802. 16 is synthesized using VHDL on Xilinx and simulated on ISE simulator. The Reed-Solomon encoder has been checked for different error-correcting capabilities that is 4, 6, 8 etc. Reed-Solomon decoder for IEEE 802. 16 network is synthesized on VHDL for error detection and correction. Here pipelining is introduced in Reed-Solomon decoder to improve the performance. The performance of Reed-Solomon encoder RS (255,239) for IEEE 802. 16 is shown and Reed-Solomon decoder is checked for both RS(255,243) and RS(255,239) and synthesizable on FPGA.