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Detection of False Data Distribution Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks

by K. Sundara Velrani
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 68 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: K. Sundara Velrani

K. Sundara Velrani . Detection of False Data Distribution Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 68, 14 ( April 2013), 16-20. DOI=10.5120/11647-7140

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In wireless sensor networks node compromise attack is a serious threat. Last few years many previous works has found out compromise node at the later stage. There are different stages of attacks: In first stage physically capturing and compromising nodes: Next stage compromised nodes back to the sensor networks: Last compromised sensor nodes rejoining the network and launching attack. This research work for early detection of compromised nodes in wireless sensor networks. In this work pair-based scheme to detect the node compromise attack in early stage. After sensor nodes are deployed they first build pairs in ad hoc pattern. Then the nodes within the same pairs can monitor each other to detect any node compromise attempt.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless sensor networks node compromise attack pair building