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Reseach Article

Data Location Verification in Cloud Computing

by Abhishek Vaish, Abhishek Kushwaha, Rahul Das, Chandan Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 68 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Abhishek Vaish, Abhishek Kushwaha, Rahul Das, Chandan Sharma

Abhishek Vaish, Abhishek Kushwaha, Rahul Das, Chandan Sharma . Data Location Verification in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 68, 12 ( April 2013), 23-27. DOI=10.5120/11632-7104

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%A Abhishek Kushwaha
%A Rahul Das
%A Chandan Sharma
%T Data Location Verification in Cloud Computing
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Cloud computing has pioneered the area of On-demand services. The customer can choose the resources according to the current needs with the facility of incrementing and decrementing the resources in the future. It generally follows a pay-as-you-use model which has proven beneficial for enterprises and individual users alike. Since the services are hosted over the internet, one of the recent concerns that are rising among the users is about the location of their data. Sometimes it is necessary for the data to stay in a particular jurisdiction. Therefore, it may be required for the organization to verify the location of their data from time to time. Here in this paper we propose a mechanism based on remote attestation technology of trusted platform module. Remote attestation technique is used to validate the current location of the data, and the generated result is passed to the user/verifier. The very fact that the trusted platform module is tamper proof provides the basis for the accuracy of the result.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Trusted Platform Module Data security Remote attestation Data location