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Energy Conservation in Tree-based Event Driven Wireless Ad-hoc Networks

by Itu Snigdh, Rumanshu
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 68 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Itu Snigdh, Rumanshu

Itu Snigdh, Rumanshu . Energy Conservation in Tree-based Event Driven Wireless Ad-hoc Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 68, 10 ( April 2013), 34-39. DOI=10.5120/11618-7015

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title = { Energy Conservation in Tree-based Event Driven Wireless Ad-hoc Networks },
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Wireless nodes communicate over wireless links that typically have less bandwidth than in a wired network. Each node in a wireless ad hoc network functions as both a host and a router, and the control of the network is distributed among the nodes. The network topology is in general, dynamic, as the connectivity among the nodes may vary with time because of node departures, new node arrivals, and the change of environments. Hence, there is a need for efficient routing protocols to allow the nodes to communicate over multihop paths. This paper focuses on the effect of topology that requires to be locally and self-adaptively maintained, at a low communication cost, without affecting QOS. The preliminary research shows the contrast of energy expedited in a tree based network over the usual graph based network employing directed diffusion. The method achieves lesser energy consumption owing to reduction of the no of bits though unicast communication and discarding other redundant messages arriving later, thereby constricting the network to have at most one transmission for one event.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Adhoc network energy conservation routing tree based backbone structure