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Comparative Study and Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Term Weighting Methods on Text Classification

by Mahak Motwani, Aruna Tiwari
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 68 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Mahak Motwani, Aruna Tiwari

Mahak Motwani, Aruna Tiwari . Comparative Study and Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Term Weighting Methods on Text Classification. International Journal of Computer Applications. 68, 10 ( April 2013), 24-27. DOI=10.5120/11616-7013

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author = { Mahak Motwani, Aruna Tiwari },
title = { Comparative Study and Analysis of Supervised and Unsupervised Term Weighting Methods on Text Classification },
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issue_date = { April 2013 },
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Text Classification is one of the booming area in research with the availability of huge amount of electronic data in the form of news article, research articles, email message, blog, web pages etc. Text Representation is a vital step for text classification. In text representation, term weighting method assigns appropriate weights to the term to get better performance; the term weighting method which uses known information on membership of training document is supervised Term weighting method. Unsupervised term weighting method tf is compared with supervised Term weighting method tf. rf with Back Propagation Neural Network, results of experiment demonstrates that term weighing method (tf. rf) performs better than (tf) term frequency.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Term Weighting Method Relevance Factor Term Frequency