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Awareness in Congestion for Multipath Load Balancing in MANET

by Sumit Kothari, Shiv K. Sahu, Amit Sinhal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 68 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Sumit Kothari, Shiv K. Sahu, Amit Sinhal

Sumit Kothari, Shiv K. Sahu, Amit Sinhal . Awareness in Congestion for Multipath Load Balancing in MANET. International Journal of Computer Applications. 68, 1 ( April 2013), 1-4. DOI=10.5120/11540-6799

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%A Amit Sinhal
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Mobile communication plays a vital role in disaster recovery management during emergency situations. It is helpful in situations where the system has less robust and less flexible infrastructure. However, the rapid growth in number and multiplicity of real-time network applications has made it imperative to consider the impact of end-to-end delay requirements of traffic on network. The research papers are published to increase the network performance on the network layer. In this paper, we propose a Reliable and Efficient Load balancing Technique in presence of congestion. It is based on AODV Protocol in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. In this protocol, a weight function based on route length, traffic load, energy level and freshness of each route is calculated and stored in the route cache. We propose a congestion aware multi-path routing protocol for load balancing in MANET. When the source node wants to forward the data packet to the destination, it uses the reactive route discovery technique where the multiple paths are well-known using multi-path Dijkstra algorithm. This paper combines a multipath routing protocol with load balancing concept and presents a new protocol called AC-AODV. We use NS-2. 34 to simulate the scenario. The simulation's result shows the significant performance enhancement of the network for the multipath routing protocol with load balancing. The simulation results illustrate that the proposed load balanced routing protocol improves packet delivery ratio and reduces the delay.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks routing protocols load balancing multi-path Dijkstra algorithm