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A High Performance Scalable Data Collection System for Moving Objects

by Azedine Boulmakoul, Lamia Karim, Ahmed Lbath
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 67 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Azedine Boulmakoul, Lamia Karim, Ahmed Lbath

Azedine Boulmakoul, Lamia Karim, Ahmed Lbath . A High Performance Scalable Data Collection System for Moving Objects. International Journal of Computer Applications. 67, 9 ( April 2013), 36-43. DOI=10.5120/11424-6769

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title = { A High Performance Scalable Data Collection System for Moving Objects },
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%A Lamia Karim
%A Ahmed Lbath
%T A High Performance Scalable Data Collection System for Moving Objects
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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To help Locations Based Services systems to meet market demands, a performance and scalable collection framework was provided to gather different kinds of geographical data (from GPS devices, RFID, Data base transactions, etc. ) based on the unified moving object trajectories' Meta-model. Basically, the collection framework offers components to collect spatio-temporal data from GPS enabling devices using . Net sockets, and benefits from executing all code in . NET Common Language Runtime to increase the system performance compared to unmanaged codes that decrease performance because of additional requirement security checks. In order to test the scalability of the proposed collection system, a vehicle tracking simulator was developed to generate and simulate tremendous spatio-temporal data of different moving objects. The main goal of this manuscript is to illustrate the importance of the collection framework and analyze the worst-case testing. Following this strategy, monitoring how scalable the proposed data collection framework is possible when dealing with very large and simultaneous moving objects trajectories datasets in real time.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Trajectory data modeling Trajectory data collection framework moving object database space time path spatial data engineering trajectory meta-model