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Validation of Component based Software Development Model using Formal B-Method

by Asif Irshad Khan, Md. Mottahir Alam, Noor-ul-qayyum, Usman Ali Khan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 67 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Asif Irshad Khan, Md. Mottahir Alam, Noor-ul-qayyum, Usman Ali Khan

Asif Irshad Khan, Md. Mottahir Alam, Noor-ul-qayyum, Usman Ali Khan . Validation of Component based Software Development Model using Formal B-Method. International Journal of Computer Applications. 67, 9 ( April 2013), 24-35. DOI=10.5120/11423-6768

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%T Validation of Component based Software Development Model using Formal B-Method
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IT industry in the present market situation faces high demand for performance and burgeoning user expectations; with the pressure manifesting itself in three forms – Development Cost, Time-to-market and Product Quality. One of the relevant techniques in this context is Component Based Software Development (CBSD) with a targeted and discriminative approach influencing all phases of development. Although this approach offers great benefits of reusing ready-made components such as reducing time-to-market products and development costs, it also poses serious questions on the correctness of created systems. In this paper a methodology is proposed using a formal B-method approach, which supports formal stepwise development with refinement to model component-based systems in view of interaction among components. The proposed methodology is illustrated by a case study; Atelier B. is used to generate proof obligations and executable code automatically.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Component Based Software Development CBD Formal B Method Formal analysis Software reuse and Model checking interoperability compatibility adaptation assembly