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Syntactic and Semantic Extensions of Malicious Activity Diagrams to Support ISSRM

by Othmar Othmar Mwambe
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 67 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Othmar Othmar Mwambe

Othmar Othmar Mwambe . Syntactic and Semantic Extensions of Malicious Activity Diagrams to Support ISSRM. International Journal of Computer Applications. 67, 4 ( April 2013), 33-39. DOI=10.5120/11386-6667

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title = { Syntactic and Semantic Extensions of Malicious Activity Diagrams to Support ISSRM },
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Information security has played a great role in supporting security of organizational assets. Computes softwares / information systems developers have taken information security into great consideration particularly during systems/software development. There are several modelling languages that can be used to architect security features of information systems with respect to information system security management domain model(ISSRM). Malicious Activity Diagrams have been widely used by developers to model security features of various information systems as an extension of Unified Modeling Language(UML)[[2]]. However Malicious Activity Diagrams can not cover all the features of ISSRM[[11]]. Due to the limitations of Malicious Activity Diagrams,this study has proposed new additional featers that will enable Malicious Activity Diagrams to cover the remaining security concepts of ISSRM(such as security constraint of the static information/security criterion-figure 6).

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Information security Activity diagrams Security requirements ISSRM Mal-Activity diagrams Software development lifecycle management