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System to Prevent Helmet Theft and Wireless Monitoring of Health Status of the Bike

by Ayush Kr. Mittal, Anamika Bhatia, Abhishek Kumar Mittal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 67 - Number 21
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Ayush Kr. Mittal, Anamika Bhatia, Abhishek Kumar Mittal

Ayush Kr. Mittal, Anamika Bhatia, Abhishek Kumar Mittal . System to Prevent Helmet Theft and Wireless Monitoring of Health Status of the Bike. International Journal of Computer Applications. 67, 21 ( April 2013), 11-15. DOI=10.5120/11518-7270

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The use of helmet is compulsory for any bike driver for his safety. When one is going towards office or its destination, he carries the helmet, after parking it in a parking lot, often these helmets are stolen from the parking lot. A low cost anti theft scheme has been proposed based on microcontroller and GSM (Global system for Mobile communication) module which will generate an alarm on account of any suspicious activity. Beside this, maintenance routine of the bike is continuously monitored by the system, important updates like engine oil condition, odometer reading and other useful data available in digital format is monitored for a headache free experience. This feature has been demonstrated by a prototype model.

  1. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Helmet.
  2. What should you know about helmets- "http://www. msf-usa. org/downloads/helmet_CSi. pdf"
  3. S Redl, M Weber, M Oliphant - 1998 - dl. acm. org publication- " Book, GSM and personal communication handbook 1st Artech House, Inc. Norwood, MA, USA ©1998 , ISBN:0890069573"
  4. Atmel Atmega 16 Datasheet can be accessed from – "www. atmel. com/Images/doc2466. pdf".
  5. Paul R. Zimmerman , Tim R . Sass, Motorcycle Helmet Laws and Motorcyclist Fatalities, November 2000, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp 195-215, Journal of Regulatory Economics, can be accessed from "http://link. springer. com/article/10. 1023/A%3A1008124703161"
  6. Prof. F. T. McDermott M. D. , Helmet efficacy in the prevention of bicyclist head injuries: Royal Australasian college of surgeons initiatives in the introduction of compulsory safety helmet wearing in Victoria, Australia, May/June 1992, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp 379-383, World Journal of Surgery, can be accessed from-"http://link. springer. com/article/10. 1007/BF02104435"
  7. Schmetter, RonaldM. Affiliation: Motorola Inc. , Franklin Park, IL. "The piezoelectric loudspeakers: Its use in Audio System", AES E-Library, AES Convention:43 (September 1972) Paper Number:876
  8. Atmel ATiny 2313 datasheet , can be accessed from http://www. atmel. com/Images/doc2543. pdf
  9. GSM/GPRS TTL UART Modem Sim 900- details can be accessed from online store http://www. rhydolabz. com/index. php?main_page=product_info&cPath=122&products_id=1080 Manufacturer Rhydo labz.
  10. AVR Studio 5 tutorials can be accessed from- "www. avr-tutorials. com/avr-studio-5/avr-studio-5" and"http://cs. slu. edu/~fritts/csci305/AVR/AVRstudioTutorial. pdf"
  11. Lin Ling, I Meng,Li Gang(School of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronic Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072,China) A MCU multifunction training platform based on ISP technology.
  12. AVR DUDE tutorials can be accessed from- "http://www. ladyada. net/learn/avr/avrdude. html"
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


microcontroller anti – theft low cost helmets bikes maintenance