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A Survey on Energy Efficient Routing Algorithms for Ad-Hoc Network

by Sushma D. Ghode, K. K. Bhoyar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 67 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Sushma D. Ghode, K. K. Bhoyar

Sushma D. Ghode, K. K. Bhoyar . A Survey on Energy Efficient Routing Algorithms for Ad-Hoc Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 67, 20 ( April 2013), 44-50. DOI=10.5120/11515-7239

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Mobile ad hoc network is highly dynamic and distributed in nature hence routing is one of the key issues in it. In particular, designing efficient algorithm for routing may be the most important criteria for MANETs since mobile nodes have limited battery capacity. This results in short continuous operations which is the general constraint in wireless communication. Power failure of a mobile node may affect its ability to forward packets on behalf of other nodes and thus the overall lifetime of the network. For this reason, many research efforts have been devoted to developing energy aware routing protocols. Here a survey on energy efficient routing protocols for wireless Ad-Hoc networks is presented. This discussion is centered on proposed energy efficient routing algorithms. Here analysis of some conventional protocols has been done and some modifications have been suggested to make these protocols energy efficient and to overcome the shortcomings in these protocols.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


ad hoc network. MANET energy efficient routing