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Implementation of Efficient Audit Service Outsourcing for Data Integrity by Interfacing the Mobile Device in Clouds

by D. Kumuthavijay, J. Nandhini, V. Jayaprakasan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 67 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: D. Kumuthavijay, J. Nandhini, V. Jayaprakasan

D. Kumuthavijay, J. Nandhini, V. Jayaprakasan . Implementation of Efficient Audit Service Outsourcing for Data Integrity by Interfacing the Mobile Device in Clouds. International Journal of Computer Applications. 67, 20 ( April 2013), 9-15. DOI=10.5120/11509-7227

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Cloud computing provide much more effective computing by centralized memory processing, storage and bandwidth. The problem in cloud computing is that they are facing a potentially formidable risk for missing or corrupted data. Third party auditor should be able to efficiently audit the cloud data storage without demanding the local copy of data. DES algorithm can use for encryption in CSP. In this paper, we propose to implement the mobile devices that can be interfaces in between the Cloud Service Provider and Third party Agent to avoid the delay in sending the modification done in the data storage to the cloud and also client's owner. Also we implement a user authentication protocol named oPass which leverages a user's cell phone and short message service (SMS) to prevent password stealing and password reuse attacks in cloud computing we demonstrate to decrease the delay through mobile device. Our simulation results for the cost, computational and communication overhead can perform more effective in cloud computing.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Storage Audit Service Email alert Mobile device Security Delay oPass CSP