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Reseach Article

Proposed Fuzzy based Routing for DTN

by Mamoun Hussein Mamoun, Saud El Barrak
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 66 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Mamoun Hussein Mamoun, Saud El Barrak

Mamoun Hussein Mamoun, Saud El Barrak . Proposed Fuzzy based Routing for DTN. International Journal of Computer Applications. 66, 6 ( March 2013), 19-23. DOI=10.5120/11089-6040

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title = { Proposed Fuzzy based Routing for DTN },
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This paper introduces a proposed fuzzy-based routing protocol for DTN networks, called FBRP designed to maximize successful data delivery rate and minimize transmission delay It uses only two parameters namely, probability of delivery and energy value as inputs to fuzzy system in order to compute the delivery predictability value which determine the routing path for packets. Simulation results are used to draw conclusions regarding to the proposed routing algorithm and compared it with well known routing protocols: Epidemic and PRoPHET routing protocols. Conducted experiments showed that our proposed algorithm exhibits superior performance with respect to the well known routing protocols in terms delivery rate and overhead ratio.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


DTN Routing Fuzzy Based Routing Protocol New Routing Protocol Priority Routing Protocol