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Evaluation and Study of Transition Techniques Addressed on IPv4-IPv6

by Sheryl Radley, D. Shalini Punithavathani, L. K. Indumathi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 66 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Sheryl Radley, D. Shalini Punithavathani, L. K. Indumathi

Sheryl Radley, D. Shalini Punithavathani, L. K. Indumathi . Evaluation and Study of Transition Techniques Addressed on IPv4-IPv6. International Journal of Computer Applications. 66, 5 ( March 2013), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/11077-6013

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IPv4/IPv6 transition rolls out many challenges to the world of internet. IETF proposes various transition techniques including dual IP stack, IP translation and tunnelling transition mechanisms. A detailed study is made on the IPv6 addressing architecture. Out of the three mechanisms Tunnelling proves to be most effective in the study which has been done. The 6rd mechanism that is used for IPv4/IPv6 transition mechanism permits an IPv6 mobile node to roam into IPv4 based network and get serviced besides roaming in IPv6 based network. This paper aims at a comparative study on the three transition techniques such as Softwire mesh which supports Dual Stack, NAT444 which supports translation and IPv6 Rapid Development (6rd) mechanism in tunnelling mechanism.

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  13. Yu Zhai, Congxiao Bao, Xing Li, "Transition from IPv4 to IPv6: A translation Approach" 2011 sixth IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and storage.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


IPv4/6 transition tunnelling Dual Stack 6rd Softwire mesh NAT444