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Reseach Article

Evolution of Wimax Technology, Security Issues and Available Solutions

by Rajesh Yadav, S. Srinivasan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 66 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Rajesh Yadav, S. Srinivasan

Rajesh Yadav, S. Srinivasan . Evolution of Wimax Technology, Security Issues and Available Solutions. International Journal of Computer Applications. 66, 2 ( March 2013), 44-48. DOI=10.5120/11060-5972

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Over the period, Wimax has under gone series of changes in its technologies with various new versions. In every version it has faced serious security threats and various attempts have been made to plug the security holes. In this paper we discuss about various security problems in each version and how they have been handled, here we give an overview of the evolution of Wimax Technology as well as the various security issues associated with this Technology & solutions available for it.

  1. A survey of WiMAX security threats, Trung Nguyen, nguyent@seas. wustl. edu.
  2. Security issues and proposed solutions concerning authentication and authorization for WiMAX(IEEE 802. 16e) Bart Sikkens, University of Twente, the Netherlands sikkensb@cs. utwente. nl
  3. Wikipedia,WIMAX,http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/WiMAX, accessed: 11-12-07.
  4. Introduction to mobile WiMAX Radio Access Technology: PHY and MAC Architecture, Dr. Sassan Ahmadi, Wireless Standards and Technology, Intel Corporation, Dec 7, 2006.
  5. Prakash Iyer, Nat Natarajan, MuthaiahVenkatachalam, Anand Bedekar, Eren Gonen,Kamran Etemad, Pouya Taaghol, All-IP Network Architecture for Mobile WiMAXTM, IEEE MobileWiMAX Symposium, Mar 2007, pp. 54 – 59
  6. WiMAX security issues Wireless Security By Joshua Wright, NetworkWorld. com Dec 11, 2006.
  7. http://www. tutorialspoint. com/wimax/wimax_network_model. htm
  8. http://www. ict-pulse. com/2011/07/edge-wimax-3g-4g-what is-the-difference
  9. Michel Barbeau, "WiMax/802. 16 Threat Analysis", Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Quality of service & security in wireless and mobile networks, Quebec,Canada,2005.
  10. R. Poisel, "Modern Communications Jamming Principles and Techinques", Artech House Publishers, 2003.
  11. David Johnson and Jesse Walker, "Overview of IEEE 802. 16 Security", Intel Corp, IEEE Security and Privacy, 2004 http://portal. acm. org/citation. cfm?id=1009288
  12. http://rswcyyw. blogspot. in/2007/06/authentication-authorization-and. html
  13. Huixia Jin1 Li Tu2 Gelan Yang2 Yatao Yang3," An Improved Mutual Authentication Scheme in Multi-Hop WiMax Network", 2008 International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering IEEE 2008 .
  14. Ergang Liu, Kaizhi Huang and Liang Jin," The Design of Trusted Access Scheme Based On Identity For WiMAX Network" First International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science IEEE 2009.
  15. C?t?lin-Teodor Dogaru," WiMAX Network Security Plan", 8th International Conference on Communication IEEE 2010.
  16. Deepti, Deepika Khokhar, Satinder Pal Ahuja, A Survey of rogue base station attacks in Wimax. Vol. 2 Issue 1, International journal of advance research in computer science and software engineering, January 2012.
  17. Responding to Security Issues in WiMAX Networks,Chin-Tser Huang, University of South Carolina, J. Morris Chang, Iowa State University. IT Pro September/October 2008 P u b l i s h e d by t h e I E E E Comp u t e r S o c i e t y.
  18. A Survey of Mobile WiMAX IEEE 802. 16m Standard, Mr. Jha Rakesh, Mr. Wankhede Vishal A. ,Prof. Dr. Upena Dalal, (IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 8, No. 1, April 2010.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences
