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MISP (Modified IncSpan+): Incremental Mining of Sequential Patterns

by Anil Kumar, Vijender Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 65 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Anil Kumar, Vijender Kumar

Anil Kumar, Vijender Kumar . MISP (Modified IncSpan+): Incremental Mining of Sequential Patterns. International Journal of Computer Applications. 65, 8 ( March 2013), 23-31. DOI=10.5120/10945-5903

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title = { MISP (Modified IncSpan+): Incremental Mining of Sequential Patterns },
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Real life sequential databases are usually not static. They grow incrementally. So after every update a frequent pattern may no longer remains frequent while some infrequent patterns may appear as frequent in updated database. It is not a good idea to mine sequential database from scratch every time as the update occurs. It would be better if one can use the knowledge of already mined sequential patterns to find the complete set of sequential patterns for updated database. An incremental mining algorithm does the same thing. The main goal of an incremental mining algorithm is to reduce the time taken to find out the frequent patterns significantly i. e. it should mine the set of frequent patterns in significantly less time than a non-incremental mining algorithm. In this work the efficiency has been improved, in time and space, of an already existing incremental mining algorithm called IncSpan+ which is claimed to rectify an incremental mining algorithm called IncSpan.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Set of frequent sequential patterns (FP) Boundary of semi-frequent sequential patterns (BSFP)