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Ontology Mapping Techniques and Approaches

by K. Balachandar, E. Thirumagal, D. Aishwarya, R. Rajkumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 65 - Number 24
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: K. Balachandar, E. Thirumagal, D. Aishwarya, R. Rajkumar

K. Balachandar, E. Thirumagal, D. Aishwarya, R. Rajkumar . Ontology Mapping Techniques and Approaches. International Journal of Computer Applications. 65, 24 ( March 2013), 13-20. DOI=10.5120/11232-6514

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The Organisations may use heterogeneous ontologies for the same domain which results in the representation of different concepts to the same concept. The interoperability problem arises when two ontologies are trying to commune with each other and hence the ontology mapping is required. The ontology mapping discovers the relationship between the pair of concepts of heterogeneous ontology and depicts whether the concepts are similar or not. The mapping document will be generated on mapping two ontologies. The ontologies must respond to the change requirements which make the mapping document to be inconsistent. This paper reports various mapping tools for mapping two ontologies and depicts various techniques such as mapping composition, mapping adaptation and floating model. It also describes various mapping approaches such as KOAN approach, WISE approach and SKIS approach for making the mapping document to be consistent. The existing mapping techniques and approaches deals with the mapping document consistency. The requirement for reconciliation mapping approach is proposed which uses various scenarios for consistency maintenance. In addition to consistency maintenance, it also provides time efficiency, space efficiency and accuracy.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Change Requirements Consistency Maintenance Mapping Approaches Ontology Mapping