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Reseach Article

Analysis of Proposed Intrusion Detection System

by Kiran Dhangar, Deepak Kulhare, Arif Khan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 65 - Number 23
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Kiran Dhangar, Deepak Kulhare, Arif Khan

Kiran Dhangar, Deepak Kulhare, Arif Khan . Analysis of Proposed Intrusion Detection System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 65, 23 ( March 2013), 46-50. DOI=10.5120/11281-6273

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title = { Analysis of Proposed Intrusion Detection System },
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%A Deepak Kulhare
%A Arif Khan
%T Analysis of Proposed Intrusion Detection System
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This paper titled “Proposed Intrusion Detection System” is an intrusion detection system (IDS) proposed by analyzing the principle of the intrusion detection system based on host and network. Here we are concentrating and analyzing overall performance as well as security of the proposed IDS. Moreover the proposed IDS approve the effectiveness of the proposed method, and presented results shows advantages of host based as well as network based security. The proposed model of hybrid IDSs offers several advantages over alternative systems. First of all it provided higher security, it supported high availability and scalability, and most important thing it produced good results in terms of normal and abnormal behaviors of captured packet. The proposed model includes integration of individual components to produced batter results.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


IDS Protocols Network Security TCP Attacks