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Reseach Article

A Survey on Approaches of Object Detection

by Sanjivani Shantaiya, Keshri Verma, Kamal Mehta
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 65 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Sanjivani Shantaiya, Keshri Verma, Kamal Mehta

Sanjivani Shantaiya, Keshri Verma, Kamal Mehta . A Survey on Approaches of Object Detection. International Journal of Computer Applications. 65, 18 ( March 2013), 14-20. DOI=10.5120/11023-5140

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This research paper presents the extensive survey of the state-of-the-art detection of object from video and also classifies the detection approaches into different categories. Detection is generally performed in the context of higher-level applications that require the location and/or shape of the object in every frame. As the detection of objects from vide have progressed significantly in the past few years; human motion and behavior interpretation have naturally become the upcoming step. The research paper includes various approaches that have been used by different researchers for object detection.

  1. Alok K. Watve, Dr. Shamik Sural "Object tracking in video scenes", Technical seminar at IIT Kharagpur, 1998
  2. Yiwei Wang and John F. Doherty, Robert E. Van Dyck "Moving Object Tracking in Video," 1999
  3. Dong Kwon Park, Ho Seok Yoon and Chee Sun Won, "fast object tracking in digital video", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 46, No. 3, august 2000
  4. Yu Zhong, Anil K. Jain, M. -P. Dubuisson-Jolly," Object Tracking Using Deformable Templates ",IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, vol. 22, no. 5, may 2000
  5. Robert Bodor, Bennett Jackson, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos," Vision-Based Human Tracking and Activity Recognition", 2000
  6. Paul Viola, Michael Jones, Daniel Snow," Detecting Pedestrians Using Patterns of Motion and Appearance ", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), October 13, 2003, Nice, France.
  7. Sebastien Lef evre and Emmanuel Bouton and Thierry Brouard and Nicole Vincent," A new way to use hidden markov models for object tracking in video sequences "2003
  8. Lan Wu," Multiview Hockey Tracking with Trajectory Smoothing and Camera Selection ", 2005
  9. Yi Liu, Yuan F. Zheng, "Video Object Segmentation and Tracking Using ? -Learning Classification ", IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology, vol. 15, no. 7, July 2005
  10. Karthik Hariharakrishnan and Dan Schonfeld," Fast Object Tracking Using Adaptive Block Matching ",IEEE transactions on multimedia, vol. 7, no. 5, oct 2005
  11. Wei-Lwun Lu, James J. Little," Simultaneous Tracking and Action Recognition using the PCA-HOG Descriptor "Proceedings of the 3rd Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV'06)
  12. Chieh-Chih Wang, Charles Thorpe, Martial Hebert, Sebastian Thrun, Hugh Durrant-Whyte," Simultaneous Localization, Mapping and Moving Object Tracking" Carnegie Mellon University Research Showcase, 2007
  13. Young Min Kim," Object Tracking in a Video Sequence", 2007
  14. Yuhua Zheng1 and Yan Meng," Object Detection And Tracking Using Bayes-Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization ", ISBN 978-1-60021-992-4, 2007 Nova Science Publishers, Inc
  15. Sourabh Khire & Jochen Teizer," Object Detection and Tracking ", 2008
  16. Jiyan Pan, BoHu, and Jian Qiu Zhang," Robust and Accurate Object Tracking Under Various Types of Occlusions ", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 18, No. 2, February 2008
  17. Vibha L, Chetana Hegde, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik," Dynamic Object Detection, Tracking and Counting in Video Streams for Multimedia Mining ",IAENG International Journal of Computer Science,35:3,IJCS_35_3_16,21 august 2008
  18. Zhenjun Han, Qixiang Ye, Jianbin Jiao," Online feature evaluation for object tracking Using kalman filter "978-1-4244-2175-6/08/$25. 00 ©2008 IEEE
  19. Swantje Johnsen and Ashley Tews," Real-Time Object Tracking and Classification Using a Static Camera "Proceedings of the IEEE ICRA 2009 Workshop on People Detection and Tracking Kobe, Japan, May 2009
  20. Junda Zhu, Yuanwei Lao, and Yuan F. Zheng, "Object Tracking in Structured Environments for Video Surveillance Applications ", IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems For Video Technology, Vol. 20, No. 2, February 2010
  21. Qiang Chen, Quan-Sen Sun, Pheng Ann Heng, and De-Shen Xia," Two-Stage Object Tracking Method Based on Kernel and Active Contour ", IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems For Video Technology, Vol. 20, No. 4, April 2010
  22. Xiaoqin Zhang, Weiming Hu, Wei Qu, and Steve Maybank," Multiple Object Tracking Via Species-Based Particle Swarm Optimization ",IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems For Video Technology, Vol. 20, No. 11, November 2010
  23. Zulfiqar Hasan Khan, Irene Yu-Hua Gu, and Andrew G. Backhouse," Robust Visual Object Tracking Using Multi-Mode Anisotropic Mean Shift and Particle Filters", IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems For Video Technology, Vol. 21, No. 1, January 2011
  24. Li Sun and Guizhong Liu," Visual Object Tracking Based on combination of Local Description and Global Representation ",IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems For Video Technology, Vol. 21, No. 4, April 2011
  25. Navneet Dalal, Bill Triggs and Cordelia Schmid," Human Detection using Oriented Histograms of Flow and Appearance "2011
  26. S. Saravanakumar, A. Vadivel and C. G. Saneem Ahmed," Human object tracking in video sequences "ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing, August 2011, Volume: 02, Issue: 01
  27. Huabo Sun, Lei Yan, Peter Mooney and Rui Liang," A new method for moving object detection using variable resolution bionic compound eyes " ,International Journal of the Physical Sciences Vol. 6(24), pp. 5618-5622, 16 October, 2011
  28. Qian Zhang and King Ngi Ngan," Segmentation and Tracking Multiple Objects under Occlusion from Multiview Video ", IEEE Transactions On Image Processing, Vol. 20, No. 11, November 2011
  29. Xiaobai Liu, Liang Lin, Shuicheng Yan, Hai Jin, and Wenbin Jiang," Adaptive Object Tracking by Learning Hybrid Template Online ",IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems For Video Technology, Vol. 21, No. 11, November 2011
  30. John Chiverton, Xianghua Xie and Majid Mirmehdi," Automatic Bootstrapping and Tracking of Object Contours ", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 21, No. 3, March 2012
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Object detection motion recognition tracking