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University Websites: A Comparative Study of Universities in Karnataka

by Muralidhara B L, Amthul Hai
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 65 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Muralidhara B L, Amthul Hai

Muralidhara B L, Amthul Hai . University Websites: A Comparative Study of Universities in Karnataka. International Journal of Computer Applications. 65, 13 ( March 2013), 5-11. DOI=10.5120/10982-6136

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title = { University Websites: A Comparative Study of Universities in Karnataka },
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Government websites provide a platform for efficient communication and access to public information. They are a useful tool to transparency and democracy because they enable stakeholders to easily interact with their service providers. The paper proposes to evaluate the websites of Universities in Karnataka State in terms of their compliance to the W3C guidelines, Guidelines for Government of India, and Proactive Disclosures according to Section IV of the Right to Information Act, 2005 of Government of India. Student-centric metrics are also introduced for evaluation. International guidelines, Government of India and RTI guidelines are essential guidelines for information dissemination to stakeholders of the Universities in Karnataka and hence are considered. For the purpose of investigation, the Universities in Karnataka are classified into five categories: Central Government Institutions, Traditional State Universities which are more than ten years old, Traditional State Universities which are less than ten years old, State Mono discipline Universities, and Private Universities. The classification is based on the scope, geographical area spanned, and the age of the University. The State of Karnataka is chosen for analysis as most of the classifications suggested are available in the State. It was found that Central Institutes and Private Universities adhere more to these guidelines than State Universities.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


W3C RTI operability Government of India guidelines