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MPEG-21 Integrated Cross Layer QoS Adaptation Architecture for Multimedia Applications in Future MANETs to Support Heterogeneous Network Environment

by Arunkumar B R
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 64 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Arunkumar B R

Arunkumar B R . MPEG-21 Integrated Cross Layer QoS Adaptation Architecture for Multimedia Applications in Future MANETs to Support Heterogeneous Network Environment. International Journal of Computer Applications. 64, 8 ( February 2013), 15-20. DOI=10.5120/10654-5420

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Different variety of multimedia-enabled end-user devices continues increase in number and expectation of ubiquitous customer irrespective their terminal capabilities in a heterogeneous environment offered numerous opportunities to quality of service improvements. Potential computing expects MANETs to work with interoperability offering quality of service as professed by the user in a heterogeneous environment. This article presents architecture for state-of-the-art wireless multi-hop networks, and identifies research issues that need to be addressed for successful streaming with content awareness using protocol such as RTSP under heterogeneous environment for the next generation of wireless mobile ad hoc networks. The proposed architecture includes integration of MPEG-21 multimedia framework, digital content verification engine, cross layer design and interaction at various layers including network and MAC layers and IEEE 802. 21 to handle mobility in MANETs to offer quality of service provisioning.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


IEEE 802. 21 Architecture Cross layer RTSP Multimedia Applications Mobility Bandwidth estimation Cross layer adaptation