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Iris Texture Analysis for Security Systems

by Vanaja Roselin. E. C, L. M. Waghmare
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 64 - Number 22
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Vanaja Roselin. E. C, L. M. Waghmare

Vanaja Roselin. E. C, L. M. Waghmare . Iris Texture Analysis for Security Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 64, 22 ( February 2013), 37-44. DOI=10.5120/10779-5507

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Biometric security is highly reliable and secure system. Proposed work, efficient methods for pupil detection and wavelet transformation with five-level decomposition for feature extraction are proposed and which results with accurate feature vector are stored as bits and then processes for identification and verification. Statistical performance evaluation using parameters and classifier used hamming distance for matching the patterns efficiently with stored database . We use CASIA database.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Feature extraction haar wavelet transformation FAR FRR Feature vector size Computational time