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Reseach Article

Square Divisor Cordial Graphs

by S. Murugesan, D. Jayaraman, J. Shiama
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 64 - Number 22
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: S. Murugesan, D. Jayaraman, J. Shiama

S. Murugesan, D. Jayaraman, J. Shiama . Square Divisor Cordial Graphs. International Journal of Computer Applications. 64, 22 ( February 2013), 1-4. DOI=10.5120/10774-5592

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title = { Square Divisor Cordial Graphs },
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A square divisor cordial labeling of a graph G with vertex set V is a bijection f from V to f1; 2; : : : ; j V jg such that if each edge uv is assigned the label 1 if [f (u)]2jf (v) or [f (v)]2jf (u) and 0 otherwise, then the number of edges labeled with 0 and the number of edges labeled with 1 differ by atmost 1. If a graph has a square divisor cordial labeling, then it is called square divisor cordial graph. In this paper, we investigate the square divisor cordial labeling behaviour of paths, cycles, wheel graphs, star graphs, some complete bipartite graphs and complete graphs.

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  3. David M. Burton, Elementary Number Theory, Second Edition,Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, 1980.
  4. J. A. Gallian, A dynamic survey of graph labeling, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 17 (2010), DS6.
  5. F. Harary, Graph Theory, Addition-Wesley, Reading, Mass, 1972.
  6. M. Sundaram, R. Ponraj and S, Somasundaram, Prime cordial labeling of graphs, Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics, 27(2005), 373-390.
  7. R. Varatharajan, S. Navaneethakrishnan and K. Nagarajan, Divisor cordial graphs, International J. Math. Combin. Vol. 4(2011), 15-25.
  8. R. Varatharajan, S. Navaneethakrishnan and K. Nagarajan, Special classes of divisor cordial graphs, International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 7, 2012, no. 35, 1737-1749.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cordial labeling square divisor cordial labeling square divisor cordial graphs