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An Optimized Algorithm for Enhancement of Performance of Distributed Computing System

by Pankaj Saxena, Kapil Govil
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 64 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Pankaj Saxena, Kapil Govil

Pankaj Saxena, Kapil Govil . An Optimized Algorithm for Enhancement of Performance of Distributed Computing System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 64, 2 ( February 2013), 37-42. DOI=10.5120/10609-5323

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Distributed Computing System (DCS) presents a platform consisting of multiple computing nodes connected in some fashion to which various modules of a task can be assigned. A node is any device connected to a computer network. Nodes can be computers or various other network applications. A task should be assigned to a processor whose capabilities are most appropriate for the execution of that task. In a DCS, a number of tasks are allocated to different processors in such a way that the overall performance in terms of time, cost should be minimized and reliability should be maximized. For a large set of tasks that is being allocated into a DCS, several allocation methods are possible. These allocations can have significant impact on quality of services such as time, cost or reliability. Execution time is the time in which a single instruction is executed. Execution cost can be termed as the amount of value of resource used. In DCS reliability is highly dependent on its network and failures of network have adverse impact on the system performance. In DCS the whole workload is divided into small and independent units, called tasks and it allocates onto the available processors. In this paper a simple algorithm for task allocation in terms of optimum time or optimum cost or optimum reliability is presented where the numbers of tasks are more then the number of processors.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Distributed Computing System (DCS) Task Time Cost Reliability