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Reseach Article

Result Analysis of Virtual IP Address Configuration Protocol

by Satinder Kaur, Tanu Preet Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 64 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Satinder Kaur, Tanu Preet Singh

Satinder Kaur, Tanu Preet Singh . Result Analysis of Virtual IP Address Configuration Protocol. International Journal of Computer Applications. 64, 2 ( February 2013), 26-31. DOI=10.5120/10607-5321

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%T Result Analysis of Virtual IP Address Configuration Protocol
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Mobile ad-hoc networks are known to make as their own network without any defined infrastructure. They can be rapidly vanished and rebuild again. There are some set of applications for MANETs which are diverse, ranging from small static networks that are constrained with the sources of power, large scale mobile, and highly dynamic nature networks. The great success in the working of mobile adhoc network varies on the cooperation of nodes for providing best services to the other nodes. Since mobile ad hoc networks make it possible for the devices to join or leave the domain without required permission, node in the domain cannot considered to be trusted Conventional security approaches do not address all concerns of ad hoc networks since both benign and malicious parties have full admission to communicate with peers. The wireless channel is accessible to both legitimate network users and malicious attackers. Attackers may intrude into the network through the subverted nodes. In spite of the dynamic nature, mobile users can use this network for anytime, anywhere services as a security purpose and as they are in motion from one place to another. In this research work, there are two techniques which are implemented: Generation of IP addresses virtually and Allocation of IP address virtually. In these techniques, research is based on implementation of virtual IP address on basis of above discussed algorithms. The technique proposes the methodology of allowing to generation and allocation of IP address virtually. The simulation results have demonstrated some important characteristic. This technique decreases the number of computations which are used in table i. e. every time there is no need to check from the table that whether this address is already allocated or not.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


IPv6 Foreign Agent Home Agent Mobile IP Virtual IP