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Finding All Occurrences of a Pattern by a Genetic Algorithm Based Divide-and-Conquer Method

by Sagnik Banerjee, Tamal Chakrabarti, Devadatta Sinha
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 64 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Sagnik Banerjee, Tamal Chakrabarti, Devadatta Sinha

Sagnik Banerjee, Tamal Chakrabarti, Devadatta Sinha . Finding All Occurrences of a Pattern by a Genetic Algorithm Based Divide-and-Conquer Method. International Journal of Computer Applications. 64, 18 ( February 2013), 48-52. DOI=10.5120/10737-5614

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title = { Finding All Occurrences of a Pattern by a Genetic Algorithm Based Divide-and-Conquer Method },
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issue_date = { February 2013 },
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%A Sagnik Banerjee
%A Tamal Chakrabarti
%A Devadatta Sinha
%T Finding All Occurrences of a Pattern by a Genetic Algorithm Based Divide-and-Conquer Method
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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The method of finding a sequence of characters, called the pattern, in another much longer sequence of characters, called the text, is known as pattern matching. Several pattern-matching algorithms exist, that locate all the positions where a pattern occurs in a text. In this paper we have presented an algorithm which implements a divide and conquer technique, which divides the text in smaller independent sub-texts and then looks for the existence of the pattern in each such sub-text. The said divide and conquer method thus eventually finds all the occurrences of the pattern in the given text. The points of division have been chosen using a genetic algorithm.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Divide and Conquer Pattern Matching Bioinformatics Genetic Algorithm