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Implementation of Black Hole Security Attack using Malicious Node for Enhanced - DSR Routing Protocol of MANET

by Rooshabh Kothari, Deepak Dembla
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 64 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Rooshabh Kothari, Deepak Dembla

Rooshabh Kothari, Deepak Dembla . Implementation of Black Hole Security Attack using Malicious Node for Enhanced - DSR Routing Protocol of MANET. International Journal of Computer Applications. 64, 18 ( February 2013), 1-8. DOI=10.5120/10731-5504

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title = { Implementation of Black Hole Security Attack using Malicious Node for Enhanced - DSR Routing Protocol of MANET },
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%A Rooshabh Kothari
%A Deepak Dembla
%T Implementation of Black Hole Security Attack using Malicious Node for Enhanced - DSR Routing Protocol of MANET
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a group of movable hosts with wireless network interfaces that structure a temporary network without the support of any permanent infrastructure or central administration. A MANET is also referred as an infrastructure less network because the mobile nodes in the network dynamically locate paths among themselves to transfer packets provisionally. Due to the dynamic network topology in ad hoc network nodes are exchanging plenty of routing packets for creating communication which intern increase network overhead and also increase collision in network. This brings about the matter of security in an ad hoc network. Security is core concern in routing protocol of MANET and affects the performance. In this paper, a innovative request forwarding mechanism is proposed in which source node generates route request packet and broadcast packet to other neighbor nodes to locate destination by implementing black hole attack. Proposed EM-DSR (Enhanced Malicious DSR) is implemented on NS-2 and results shown significant improvement over original DSR in terms of various performance metrics. it has been found that on dense network certain numbers of malicious nodes are supportive to reducing communication overhead and because of density negative effect of malicious attacks which is proposed EM-DSR that is able to reduce. Hence result shows proposed EM-DSR will be helpful to decrease communication overhead.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


DSR EM-DSR (Enhanced Malicious DSR) Secured Routing Black hole attack malicious nodes Selfish nodes Ad hoc network