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Remote Patient Monitoring and Logging System using ZigBee

by V. Ramya, R. Uma Maheswari, B. Palaniappan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 64 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: V. Ramya, R. Uma Maheswari, B. Palaniappan

V. Ramya, R. Uma Maheswari, B. Palaniappan . Remote Patient Monitoring and Logging System using ZigBee. International Journal of Computer Applications. 64, 13 ( February 2013), 49-55. DOI=10.5120/10698-5610

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issue_date = { February 2013 },
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Remote Patient Monitoring is an alternative to regular home check-ups of patients with special medical conditions, physically challenged and the elderly who are unable to regularly visit a healthcare facility. Remote Patient Monitoring system allows the patient to be monitored remotely from their home itself. The system described here allows data acquisition from the fixed sensors. It is cheaper to monitor the elderly and infirm about patient physical states to the remote system. The doctor can directly monitor the patient's information. This paper also includes the web part; the patient's database is monitored through embedded web server. The monitoring center receives the information from the patient and maintains the database, based on it the doctor can judge the patient status and then diagnose. The system uses the IEEE 802. 15. 4 standard and low cost Zig-Bee technology for wireless communication between the patient data acquisition system and the patient monitoring system and it supports the distance from 30m to 100m depends upon the power and output. Zig-Bee uses frequency bands of 2. 4 GHz, and its transmission rate is 20 kbps to 250 kbps. The proposed system uses the high end processer ARM (Advanced RISC Machine).

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


ARM ECG Embedded Web Server Remote Patient Monitoring Zig-Bee