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Reseach Article

Recommendation System for Adaptive E-learning using Semantic Net

by V. Senthil Kumaran, A. Sankar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 63 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: V. Senthil Kumaran, A. Sankar

V. Senthil Kumaran, A. Sankar . Recommendation System for Adaptive E-learning using Semantic Net. International Journal of Computer Applications. 63, 7 ( February 2013), 19-24. DOI=10.5120/10478-5210

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In the e-learning system an abundant amount of information is created and delivered to the learners over electronic media. Learners are often getting confusion by the flow of information and have difficulty in selecting the topic to learn that satisfies their needs and interests. There are several researches have been performed to provide personalized learning paths for individual learners. But many of them collect the learners' interest, habits and behavior from their profile and based on that they recommend learning path. It is the fact that the learners' interest, learning attitude and need will vary from time to time and course to course. In this paper a recommendation system is proposed using semantic net that helps the learners by offering a more intelligent approach to navigating and searching course content. In this the learner will get more personalized and contextual recommendation. The results show that semantic net based methods enable interoperability of heterogeneous course content representation and result in accurate recommendations. The validity of the proposed model is shown using sample learners and performance measures for the recommendation effects are given for evaluating the proposed system.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Recommendation System Semantic Net Learner's behavior adaptive e-learning course filtering