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Various Approaches for Solving the Network Problems using TLR Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers

by P. Jayagowri, G. Geetharamani
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 63 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: P. Jayagowri, G. Geetharamani

P. Jayagowri, G. Geetharamani . Various Approaches for Solving the Network Problems using TLR Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers. International Journal of Computer Applications. 63, 20 ( February 2013), 7-13. DOI=10.5120/10580-0855

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author = { P. Jayagowri, G. Geetharamani },
title = { Various Approaches for Solving the Network Problems using TLR Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers },
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issue_date = { February 2013 },
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month = { February },
year = { 2013 },
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pages = { 7-13 },
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%A P. Jayagowri
%A G. Geetharamani
%T Various Approaches for Solving the Network Problems using TLR Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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%D 2013
%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

The shortest path problem is an important classical network optimization problem which has wide range of application in various fields. In this paper ,algorithms are proposed for the Intuitionistic fuzzy shortest path problem, where the arc length of the network takes imprecise numbers, instead of real numbers namely level triangular LR fuzzy numbers ( TLR). Finally an illustrative example is also including demonstrating our proposed algorithm.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


A cyclic network Shortest path problem Level TLR fuzzy numbers Level TLR indices Signed distance of triangular fuzzy numbers.