International Journal of Computer Applications |
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA |
Volume 63 - Number 19 |
Year of Publication: 2013 |
Authors: Devi Selvam, Tamilarasi. G |
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Devi Selvam, Tamilarasi. G . Selfish Less Replica Allocation in MANET. International Journal of Computer Applications. 63, 19 ( February 2013), 33-37. DOI=10.5120/10576-5660
Most of the protocols and algorithms used in MANET, are assuming that all mobile nodes cooperate fully with the functionalities of the network. But some nodes are cooperate partially or not at all cooperating. Network performance and data accessibility, accessing time, query delay are affected by these selfish nodes. The discussion of this paper is about, representing a Replica server which solves the selfishness. The Replica server monitors and maintains the status of all mobile nodes in the network. If it finds any selfish node in the shortest path between source and destination, the replica server will analyze the reason for selfishness and it finds solution. The conducted simulations demonstrate the proposed approach based on proxy method which outperforms in terms of network parameters such as accessing data, time and cost and also it improves the network performance of MANET.