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Design of IEEE 802.16m and IEEE 802.11n Integrated Heterogeneous Network and Performance Analysis of the Network

by Arindam Banerjee, Siladitya Sen, Poulomi Das
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 63 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Arindam Banerjee, Siladitya Sen, Poulomi Das

Arindam Banerjee, Siladitya Sen, Poulomi Das . Design of IEEE 802.16m and IEEE 802.11n Integrated Heterogeneous Network and Performance Analysis of the Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 63, 18 ( February 2013), 40-43. DOI=10.5120/10569-5661

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Mobile communication Mobile Computing heterogeneous network Integrated Network Jitter Throughput End to End Delay QualNet 5. 0. 2 Simulator